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University of California, Berkeley, bulk: 1956-1961, 1925-1965

Identifier: Series 2:


Records from Anderson’s tenure at UCB School of Public Health where he was a researcher and graduate student. Main content is comprised of records pertaining to his thesis on the Bracero Program in California. Records include administrative files, such as a prospectus, grant applications, bibliographic notes, correspondence with his advisory committee and others, research files on numerous subjects, activity reports, documents on methodology, news clippings, and drafts of his thesis. Of particular interest are interviews conducted by Anderson and Louie Tagaban (the bilingual interviewer he hired) of braceros, camp managers, medical personnel, government and religious figures, and others. Also includes files on Anderson’s interaction with the American Friends Service Committee which resulted in the shutdown of his study by U.C. President Clark Kerr, and the related correspondence between government officials and Anderson’s advisory committee. Includes two versions of his thesis; he refers to the second one as the "sanitized" version.

Content warning: This series contains harmful language that was present in the materials when they were donated to SFSU. We have included these problematic terms in this finding aid to provide information about the record creators and make these collections more accessible for research. The language is present in carton 12, folders 1-2. If you have questions or comments about this language or description, please email us at


  • Majority of material found within 1956-1961
  • 1925-1965


Collection is open for research.


11.25 Cubic Feet (9 cartons, 138 folders, 1 over-size box)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English


Arranged alphabetically.

Repository Details

Part of the Labor Archives and Research Center Repository

San Francisco State University
J. Paul Leonard Library, Room 460
1630 Holloway Ave
San Francisco 94132-1722 USA
(415) 405-5549