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Minute Book,, 1912 July 1-1913 June 2

 File — Carton: 1, Folder: 5


Items of interest include: the results of an election held on July 8, 1912 [p 8]; a vote for amalgamation with the Longshore Lumberman's and Clerk's Association, 215 to 214 [p 9]; an example of the union's working rules in this period [pp 32-33]; evidence that the Riggers' passed a proposal to "try to amalgamate all our crafts on the Pacific Coast" and to attempt to amalgamate "all maritime transport workers" [p 77]; evidence of when the Riggers' withdrew fro the Asiatic Exclusion League [p 78]; a passage that states "there is a decided aversion in this Union to Affiliate with the International Association of Longshoremen [p 109].


  • 1912 July 1-1913 June 2


Collection is open for research.


From the Collection: 1.25 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the Labor Archives and Research Center Repository

San Francisco State University
J. Paul Leonard Library, Room 460
1630 Holloway Ave
San Francisco 94132-1722 USA
(415) 405-5549