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Minute Book,, 1917 January 8-1919 January 20

 File — Carton: 1, Folder: 9


Points of interest in Book IX include: election results [pp 3, 279]; the mention of the establishment of a maximum load amount [p 12]; a mention a letter from the San Francisco Labor Council requesting financial assistance, to which the Riggers' replied that they were "in no position to financially assist them"[p 25]; a reversal of the constitutional policy that only white citizens could join the union. Instead, all "men of good moral character...capable of performing the work of loading and unloading vessels" would be eligible for membership [p 34]; record that the meetings of the union were made bimonthly as opposed to weekly [p 35]; minutes from a special meeting of the union to address the issue of members refusing to work unless given an increase in wages [p 55]; a resolution calling for an 8 hour day, $6.00 per day, 75 cents an hour straight time, $1.25 overtime [p 55]; evidence of member of the Riggers independently quitting work and refusing to return to work [p 59]; a mention of a motion to refuse to handle non-union handled cargo that was rescinded "at the request of the Employer's Union and the Waterfront Workers Federation" [pp 59-60]; a vote not to amalgamate with the Riggers of Alameda [p 61]; a new wage scale proposed by the employer on June 1, 1917 [p 62]; an attempt by the Riggers' to institute a new wage scale of 65 cents per hour straight time and $1.00 overtime [p 84]; evidence of very large amount of applicants for membership [pp 86-87, 92-95, 100-101,107-108]; mention of a meeting to organize the unorganized and to increase the wage scale [p 96].


  • 1917 January 8-1919 January 20


Collection is open for research.


From the Collection: 1.25 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the Labor Archives and Research Center Repository

San Francisco State University
J. Paul Leonard Library, Room 460
1630 Holloway Ave
San Francisco 94132-1722 USA
(415) 405-5549